Here are instructions of how to set up a Clubbuzz account.
- Firstly, you will have been sent an email asking you to re-register on Clubbuzz. The registration date is 1st August 2020.
- Below are some screen shots to help you re-register.
- Click on the link in the email to take you to your registration details screens.
- There are two screens to complete. The first screen enters your details. The details required are: First name; Surname; Email address; Postal address
- It would also be helpful for playing members to complete more details including emergency contact numbers.
- The second screen confirms the details entered. Please tick the confirmation box and press ‘Confirm’.
- If you have not received an email, you can still re-register from your “account screen”. First log on to your account in Clubbuzz, then click on the blue bar at the top of your home screen.
- If you have forgotten your login or password, these can be reset by Clubbuzz using the link at the bottom of the log-in screen.
- If you are not receiving club emails, please check your spam filters and include Clubbuzz on your acceptable email names.